
17 Oct

There it is! I shall now attempt to blog. Like a real, cool internet-person.
Yeah! I bet this’ll last for, say, exactly two weeks. One post a week. That’s two posts. It shall be my new record and I shall treasure it dearly.

So this is the part about something really boring and mundane I did today? Alright! Neato!
Today I baked brownies. I always want to bake brownies and I always procrastinate… the baking of the brownies.
I want to bake them because I want to eat them. I love brownies. And however baking can be a lot of fun, cleaning up afterwards isn’t. But today brownies were baked, because I had different stuff to procrastinate.
When you get a school assignment, it opens up this whole big window of possibilities. All of a sudden there’s so much stuff to do. Instead of sitting in bed and playing video games I want to…. go and fly a kite. Create something with the stash of clay that’s been oddly piling up in my closet lately. Bake brownies. Stuff like that.
All of a sudden I… a person who doesn’t do anything but laze around and waste time away… get productive. That’s kind of crazy. And it kind of feels good.

But eventually the moment arrives at which you realize that really, you’ve not been productive at all. The school assignment’s still there. The deadline’s getting closer and closer.
In fact, the deadline’s only hours away. It’s so close I can smell it.
Maybe I should start. Maybe.
Or I could write the weblog post that I’ve been putting off for so long. I was gonna do this thing, right? Actually write stuff on that weblog I had to make for school? Heck. Yes. I’ll do that.

Sounds like great fun.

Here be a picture of brownies

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